By: Eric Swett
Apocalypse Rising: A Murder of Wizards is an Urban Fantasy about a fallen Angel named Justin. He just happens to be one of the Horsemen of the Apocalypse, the Grim Reaper himself, Death. Two years have passed since he remembered who he was and what he is. He is regaining abilities and memories he lost when he chose to fall
The Coming Darkness (Armageddon Angels book 1.1)
By: Eric Swett
Apocalypse Rising: The Coming Darkness is an Urban Fantasy about a fallen Angel named Justin. He just happens to be one of the Horsemen of the Apocalypse, the Grim Reaper himself, Death. A year has passed since he remembered who he was and what he is. He is regaining some of the abilities and memories he lost when he chose
Apocalypse In The Balance (Book 2 of Armageddon Angels
By: Eric Swett
Five years have passed since the Angel of Death made a very public appearance in the middle of New Arcadia. Since then the city has become a hub of activity for the supernatural. Most people are blissfully unaware of the powerful forces at work in their city, and the darkness bubbling under the surface could not be happier.Businessman and criminal
Apocalypse Rising (Armageddon Angels Book 1)
By: Eric Swett
Long ago, an Angel surrendered his memories and his power when he left Heaven behind, so that he could make a difference in the real world. A couple thousand years walking among the teaming masses of humanity has left him disillusioned, but he refuses to give up. He spends his time with the forgotten souls of an urban slum, making
A Murder of Wizards: Apocalypse Rising Year Two by Eric Swett – Westveil Publishing
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