This entry is part 78 of 81 in the series Reviews

Originally Posted on Geek-O-Rama.

Writer:          Cristopher Cantwell

Artist:            Martin Morazzo

Colorist:        Miroslav Mrva

Letterer:        Clem Robins

Publisher:     Dark Horse Comics

A woman is seen flying about the city. No one knows who she is, or how she is able to fly, but high school sophomore Luna Brewster is fascinated.  Who is she? Where does she come from? How does she fly? What does she want?

Luna has some issues, but what teenager doesn’t? Her new school counselor  seems nice enough, and the appearance of a flying woman is unusual, definitely not crazy, right?

She Could Fly is the first issue in a four part series under the Karen Berger Books imprint of Dark Horse Comics. Being the first book means it needs to grab the reader or the second issue will never leave the shelves. Christopher Cantwell delivers on that front with a story that intrigues and characters that leave the reader wanting more. The dialogue is solid and conveys the emotions and personalities of the characters in a way that is both natural and disturbing as life and madness  passes before the readers eys in the art of Martin Morazzo. The images practically leap off the page with unsettling, visceral clarity that enhances the writing rather than compete with it fopr attention. This is not a comic for kids as it is rife with adult themes and graphic violence, but it is a solid offering that will lead readers to the next issue.

This dark and unusual read keeps you on your toes and makes you hunger for the rest of the series. It is a solid first offering and I give it an enthusiastic four out of five stars.

You can find more on this comic at Dark Horse Comic.

DISCLAIMER: Geek-o-Rama received a copy of this book for the purpose of this review. All thoughts, comments, and opinions are those of the individual reviewer.

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