So it turns out that I do not have carpal tunnel syndrome. What I am suffering with is a pinched nerve in my elbow. I now have drugs and I am doing well enough to get back to work on my second job and on my writing. Tomorrow morning there will be a 100-Word update for the first time in about a week.
On that note, I am thinking that instead of calling it 100-Word Challenge, Day xxx-xxx I need to come up with a title for the story. As a sort of contest I invite you, my readers, to offer up a suggestion for the title. As a prize you will get recognition for the title in a future post declaring the winner, your name in the novelized version of the story and a paperback copy of my first novel, Apocalypse Rising. Submit as many titles as you’d like. I will pick my favorites from the list and post a poll to see what everyone else thinks before announcing the winner on March 6th. Tell a friend and share the wealth! I look forward to seeing your suggestions!
Related articles
- 5 Tips to Treat Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (scientificamerican.com)
- On Monday, We Wear Needles (sitcomofmylife.com)