This entry is part 42 of 81 in the series Reviews

Here is my book review of Tina L. Hook’s, Skylar Wishes. Read it, then buy the book.


Have you ever wished that you could be someone else? What if your wish was granted? Would you live your life in their place, or would your personality change the life you wished to have?  Sometimes getting what you asked for is not nearly as enjoyable as you imagined. When three women with a gift for magic become entangled in one another’s lives, even the removal of their power cannot protect themselves or their desires.

Author Tina H. Luck gives us an interesting view into the lives of three women, each with their own unique power, and the desires that drive each of them. When one of the women discovers that she can swap bodies with one of the others, the fun really begins. What are the consequences for living someone else’s life and what happens when love comes calling and you are not yourself?


This is an interesting novel with a clever take on walking a mile in someone else’s shoes. The story is well written and the characters are well defined, which is an absolute must in a book where perspectives and bodies are exchanged constantly. The way the author handles the body swaps is clever and inventive, which keeps it from being a boring retread of a well used concept.


The settings are a little non-descript with the exception of the Kentucky farmhouse. The different locales were distinct from one another, but a simple name change could have moved the locations without much of an impact on the story.


I really enjoyed this book, and it does not fall within my normal reading list genre’s.  It is not high on action, and even the romance felt a little lacking at times, but it is clever and a good read worth adding to your shelf.


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About the Book – About the Author – Prizes!!!

About the prizes: Who doesn’t love prizes? You could win one of two $50 Amazon gift cards or an autographed copy of Skylar Wishes! Here’s what you need to do…

  1. Enter the Rafflecopter contest
  2. Leave a comment on my blog

That’s it! One random commenter during this tour will win the first gift card. Visit more blogs for more chances to win–the full list of participating bloggers can be found HERE. The other two prizes will be given out via Rafflecopter. You can find the contest entry form linked below or on the official Skylar Wishes tour page via Novel Publicity. Good luck! About the book: Grace is the only one who remembers the truth—that comets are the source of extraordinary destinies. Since their last night together, all memory of their comets and their old powers has abandoned Skylar and Alina. All that is left is Alina’s enduring envy for everything Skylar touches, and Alina’s sudden ability to wake up inside of Skylar’s body, if only for a few minutes. After Alina finally forces her will and switches bodies with Skylar, harsh realities surface. The holes in Skylar’s relationship with Darren are exposed, and Skylar herself becomes seduced by the idea of living two lives at once, and loving two men at once. Grace might be able to save them, but everything Skylar and Alina know about love has to change. When their comets return, these three women must choose their fate once more.Get Skylar Wishes through Amazon or Barnes & Noble. About the author: Tina L. Hook grew up in Orlando, Florida where she graduated from Rollins College. Her debut novel, Enchanted by Starlight, was honored as a Finalist in the Next Generation Indie Book Awards for Science Fiction/Fantasy. She lives in a small town near Nashville with her husband. When she is not daydreaming over a blinking cursor, she is blogging at Connect with Tina on her website, Facebook, Twitter,or GoodReads.. EMBED CODE can be found at a Rafflecopter giveaway




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