So I have been feverishly working on putting together an outline and a couple of quick character sketches for my 2013 NaNoWriMo attempt, and I finally finished. Okay, I say finished, but really I mean that I have something that I can at least work from. outlining has never been my strong suite. I tend to write with a VERY vague idea about what the story will entail and that often changes a dozen times between the time I start and the time I finish. This has been my first real attempt to outline a story from the beginning, and I hope that it proves useful and that the habit grows on me.
Here is a page I found that helped me with my outlining, because you know I need all the help I can get. Duo-Lit.
Anyhow, I’ll be posting my output here as I can and I hope you enjoy what you see, but read it fast, because it comes off the blog December 2.
Related articles
- How I Prepared for NaNoWriMo (thesisterseternal.wordpress.com)
- Intro Post for NaNoWriMo (swimlindsey.wordpress.com)
- NaNoWriMo 2013: Want to Write a Novel? (elisajosephine.wordpress.com)
- NaNoWriMo (caterinawriting.wordpress.com)
- Its almost NaNoWriMo! (talesofelin.com)
- NaNoWriMo… sort of (karavansara.wordpress.com)
- Random Rant : NaNoWriMo (spasmostar.wordpress.com)
- NaNoWriMo (betweenthelinesandbackagain.wordpress.com)
- NaNoWriMo 2013: Want to Write a Novel? (shaunliew.wordpress.com)
Todd Maternowski
I can’t even go to the bathroom without a general outline.