Okay, I’m lying in bed and I can’t fall asleep so I thought I would share some of the things on my mind. This is not always a safe thing since this could all be a semi-lucid dream and the morning may tell me this was a bad idea, but I’m going to go for it.

First, the Arizona Cardinals beat the Dallas Cowboys in overtime. While the Cardinals may not be in the NFC East anymore there is still a bit of animosity between the teams and the Cardinals have won for the third time in three years. The rest of the season should be filled with victories, but they probably won’t make the wild card spot since the first half of the season was so bad, but at least they can say they beat the Cowboys.

Tomorrow I’ll be in Winston-Salem doing a server install, the first of two this week. I’m really pretty stoked about it. Doing this sort of thing is what I want so it will be a good day.  I have my own server at home up and running now and it has been an interesting experience. I never thought I would enjoy the networking side so much, but I really do.

Editing is going slow, but I have set a goal of finishing the first edit and rewrite of Alone to be done by the end of January. It will be a stretch, but I figure that if I can finish NaNoWriMo,  then I can finish a little editing. In a couple of weeks I will be meeting with my writing group to do some editing and I would like to present some of Alone.

Well midnight is upon me and I must get some sleep.

This has been My Midnight Musings.

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