High Anxiety
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It occurred to me today that it is October. While this by itself is nothing all that special, I realized that November is less than a month away and a severe hit of anxiety pumled me about the head.  why anxiety? Well as any self respecting, self loathing, self abusing…okay…any writer, might tell you, November is National Novel Writing Month. That’s right: NaNoWriMo!

Last year’s NaNoWriMo is what got sme started on my writing again.  I flailed about inefectually for a few weeks, okay months, and never did finish my NaNoWriMo novel.  I swore that next year would be different.

So far this year is not looking all that promising either. I have a bit more of a heads up this time, but I still have nothing prepared for it.  No outline, no characters, nothing.  I haven’t even started brainstorming an idea.  I want to go from fresh and hit that 50,000 word mark by the end of November.

So, instead of focusing my energies on the project preparation I am blogging here.  Are you planning on participating? Will you be my NaNoWriMo friend? What do you do for preparation? Are you ready to start writing? Have you already started (you cheater you!)?

0 thoughts on “Less Than A Month Away…Oh God

  1. caelascreator

    I am a NaNo noob…. I’m pretty excited. I do not outline or plan when I write, but since I am writing fantasy, I have actually planned my world and am working on a nice sketch for my protagonist. So, not cheating, per se, other than rehashing dialogue in my head before falling asleep every night. That’s normal, right?
    I’d love to be a NaNo Buddy.

    1. Eric Swett

      Well tell me your NaNo username and I’ll add you to my buddy list! I tried fantasy last year and fell a little short. I may try fantasy again, but science fiction is also a possibility this year.

  2. dhitzunako

    haha, I already have an idea and the characters. But, I’m too lazy to make outline. And, no, I haven’t start writing it because my real goal is not just a finished NaNoWriMo novel, but test my consistency in writing with a deadline waits ahead. 🙂 Good luck!
    PS: I’d love to be your writing buddy. My user name is dhitzunako. What’s. yours?

    1. Eric Swett

      My NaNoWriMo name is eric.swett. Good luck on the deadline. I’m sure if you set aside some time each day you’ll get it!

  3. dererzahlernc

    Eric, will you be posting your writing on your blog for the NaNoWriMo challenge, or will you be keeping it separate? Just trying to decide what I am going to do. I am on there as dererzahlernc if you want to add me.

    I need to start preparation myself, I have some plot idea running around in my head but no character sketches or solid ideas yet. But I do know that it will more than likely not be the current genre that I am writing on my blog. But, we shall see…

    1. Eric Swett

      You know I hadn’t really thought about whether or not I would be posting it on my blog. I imagine I will post the output here, but how deliciously will depend on time. I’m planning on doing a whole new story, but I may try to write the second book of the Alone series instead. It will save me a little planning time and please some of my readers. I’ll friend you on NaNoWriMo once I’m back in the office.

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