So it is day twelve of NaNoWriMo and I have decided that this year’s attempt is a bust.

I’m enjoying the story idea and I will definitely be pursuing it in some fashion, but I know that I’ve fallen far enough behind that there is no making up the difference for me. Honestly, I didn’t think I would be able to hit the 50k mark, but I thought I would do a bit better than I have. Working three jobs with one of them suddenly having an extended deadline left me almost no time to write. As it is I should be working on some stuff for job number three rather than writing this post, but even I need a break every now and then.
So where does that leave me, my writing and this blog? Well I’ll go back to focusing my efforts on editing AR2 and working on my science fiction serial. It makes for a very disappointing November, but there is always next year.
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