So today I started my Mini-Nano adventure. My personal goal is to hit twenty-five minutes of writing per day for the next thirty days. I did not get a lot of response on the poll I posted regarding Mini-Nano, but those who did respond picked Beyond the Darkside as the project of choice, so that is exactly what I have done.

I ended up writing for about 26 minutes all things said and done, and in that time I managed a little more than 700 words. Now that is nothing epic, but that is a good amount of writing for me as of late, so I will take it.

One day in. One day successful.

I need to figure out the exactly where I am going with this, so hopefully I can brainstorm a way forward in this story tomorrow. Once I have the current chapter done and a quick edit I’ll post it here.

0 thoughts on “Mini-Nano: Day One

  1. christophergabrielwrites

    I would say 700 words in 26 minutes is winning! The mini-nano is a great idea, keep it up and good luck! 👍🏻

    1. Eric Swett

      Thank you. I really appreciate the encouragement. Id I can maintain that sort of pace I will be very happy.

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