My wife sent me something funny today and I thought I would share it with the rest of you.
So you’re MAD about something on the Internet….
Seriously, why do people bother? I read online comments occasionally and can’t help but go wtf? Its especially bad on sports and news articles/blogs. Read them some time…it makes you worry about the world and you die a little more inside every time you read it.
Aj b33m3R
LOL. Unfortunately, I make it to dick rating 2 a lot and 3 sometimes on Huff Post and I’m sure I’ve achieved 5 on occasion when the conservative trolls were out inforce.
I used to go to the Yahoo “news” forums and go right to 5 just for $h1t$ & giggles. But in my defense those people posting on Yahoo are pure evil incarnate.
I recently swore off all news and political sites so I could concentrate on my writing… 8)