So I’m sure you’ve all taken a look at the the entries for my March Writer’s Challenge and voted right? Well if you haven’t voted it is too late now, but you can still give the entries a read.
The winners of the March, 2011 Challenge are Sandra M in Short Fiction and Ralfast for Flash Fiction!
Sandra M.’s entry, The Moon Blessed, is a tremendous piece of fantasy that pulls you in from the beginning and carries you along until the end.
Ralfast’s entry, Wizard’s World War Intro, gives us a glimpse of something so much bigger and leaves you wanting more.
Thank you to all of the great writers who contributed to the challenge. Please click here and check them all out.
Coming soon! The May Writer’s Challenge! Same rules with new words…and I think they will provide a definite challenge!
I won? Oh I guess I won by default since I was the only flash fiction entry.
Thank you for the opportunity.
Eric Swett
While you may have been the only Flash Fiction Entry it was still a great piece! I hope you repeat for May!
Sonia M.
I had a great time participating in the challenge! It’s so wonderful to be able to encounter the stories of others as well. Thanks for hosting the challenge. I’m looking forward to the next one!
Eric Swett
Thank you for participating! I loved the story and I appreciate the energy you brough to the competition!