What Writing Project Should I Tackle Next?
Now that Apocalypse in the Balance is all but done, what do I do next? Obviously I need to spend some time promoting the new book, but there has to be more going on than that, right?
So what am I considering?
Well, I have two categories. The first category is filled with the things I have to do and the second is filled with what I would like to do. Neither of these involves the promotions or book reviews, because those I will be doing irregardless and I don’t consider them projects.
The Must Do Category
- Start the Armageddon Angels novella due out next year. Honestly, there is no reason I could not have this ready in time for Christmas if I really put my mind to it.
Finish Beyond The Darkside. I am 30k plus words into this story. Another 70k should not be unreasonable. If I can manage 200 words per day for the next year I will have a finished product.
Start on Armageddon Angels Book 3. If I get it started now I can be ready before Christmas 2015.
The Want To Do Category
I want to start a web comic. This one has been rattling around in my brain for a couple of years, but its nagging is getting persistent. While I feel comfortable writing the story/storyboard, I have no delusions about my ability to do the art. If you know someone that might be interested in collaborating, let me know.
I have this far future space epic churning in my head. I might work on the outline and the world building now and write this one a little later.
Amidst everything else I have another novel in need of serious editing and a second at 50k words that needs to be finished. I want to get them done and out there.
I suppose I’ll focus my energies on the need to do and work on the wants as I can until they become needs as well.
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- Horseman Of War vs. God Of War – Darksiders Review (dazcooke.wordpress.com)
- Darksiders Review (g4tv.com)
- Warhammer 40,000: Armageddon beta sign-ups open (incgamers.com)
- Books You Must Read: Armageddon in Retrospect (briancastner.com)
- The Magic of a Storyboard (jillweatherholt.wordpress.com)
- Novellas: The Writer’s Quick-Fix (julietmadison.wordpress.com)
- Writing – Planning vs Spontaneity (thedabblingzone.wordpress.com)
- Pushing the Line with Kimberly Kincaid (catherinewolffe.wordpress.com)
- Armageddon (swedishmaggie.wordpress.com)
- Storyboards (aelafleur.wordpress.com)